SandStory Skills®
New Extended Practitioner Training Launched May 2024!
Registered SandStory Skills® Practitioner Training Program
SandStory Skills® Early Years
Flexible, Online and On-demand Training
What is SandStory Skills® Practitioner Training?
How does SandStory Skills® help children?
The 5 Stages
A Flexible Approach
Course Structure
Qualifying and Certification
Your Next Steps
Start here!
Registration Form
All about you
Sand Energies Video
Stories in the Sand Video
Structured Sets Video
Tessa's Story in the Sand
Wonder Boxes
Small World Table-Top Play Video
Zen Sand Tray
Key resources
Therapeutic Play Continuum Model
Billy & Flic 5 Stages
Logo 5 Stages
Prompt cards -Questions
The Ice Berg Model
Maslow Pyramid
Sailboat Model
5 Stages Hand
5 Stages Linear
Balloon Graphic
Introducing SSS
Grounding in Presence
Storyteller Expresses
Storyteller Explores
Storyteller Experiments
The SSS Space
Grounding in Presence to End
Billy & Flic Prompt cards Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Planning Guidance notes
SSS Session sheet
SSS Checklist Sample
SSS Checklist
SandStory Skills Cover Sheet
Listener Reflections
Storyteller Reflections
Wellbeing Wheel Form
Module 1 The Genesis of SandStory Skills
Module 2 The Power of Sand
Module 3 Symbols and Storytelling
Module 4 How Storytelling Develops
Module 5.1 SandStory Skills 1
Module 5.2 SandStory Skills 2
Module 6 The Science of Storytelling
Module 7 SandStory Skills out of the sand
Module 8 Inside the Storychest
Module 9 Keeping Safe
Module 10 The Wellbeing wheel
How To Qualify
Course Evaluation Form
I am delighted and proud, in equal measure, to bring SandStory Skills® to you on this platform! You have the flexibility to access the entire course as soon as you sign up giving you the choice of where and when you view the modules- morning, noon or night! Each of the 10 modules are ready to go and there are case studies, videos, checklists, planning resources and illustrated card sets all free to download, to support your sessions with your child or young person. You also have 3 free Zoom Coaching Conversations with me to support you over the first 12 months. You really do have all you need in one place to become a confident Registered SandStory Skills® Practitioner.
SandStory Skills® is aimed at people who are responsible for the emotional well-being and personal development of children, young people and adults in their care:
Childminders, Nannies, Nursery Managers and Workers
Teachers & Teaching Assistants/One-to Ones, LSAs, Learning Mentors SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants), Nurture Group leaders
Pastoral Teams, Social Work Assistants
Emotional Wellbeing Practitioners, Behaviour Support Practitioners/ PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) Teams, Residential Support Workers, Youth Workers, Youth Offending Team Officers, Play Workers and Therapeutic Play Workers
Parents and Foster carers
“A very warm CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah Day for qualifying as a 'Certified SandStory Skills® Trainer'! Sarah has worked incredibly hard and has created a really bespoke training package where she has thoughtfully considered the needs and how to support her participant group. It's a beautiful training, rich in content and with her warm approachable style! Lara Kasza SandStory Skills® creator”
“My fellow play therapist, Sarah Day, has developed an online course that offers a creative and therapeutic way of offering children support. Sarah is a kind, gentle, sincere person and this content will have been lovingly created. Angela Gillen Certified Play Therapist”
“SandStory Skills® was so useful. It re-informed my practice and provided me with a framework to create a safe and contained space in which my patients could be held. Thank you Sarah for your gentle guidance. Josephine Sama Registered SandStory Skills® Practitioner 2021”
“ I wanted to find a new approach, more gentle and playful to help and support young children express their thoughts and experiences. I cannot recommend this course enough not only for the content and skills you gain to be a Sand Story Practitoner but the knowledge and understanding of your own role and responsibilities. I have gained so much knowledge and confidence on how to work safely and effectively in my everyday work. I will now re-evaluate and reconstruct my practice and how I work with the knowledge I have gained from this course. Fantastic course and resources. Thankyou Michelle Hore Registered SandStory Skills® Practitioner 2021”
“I work with young children with Autism and with ex Young Offenders. I really wanted to add some sensory skills to my portfolio. I started this amazing course in January 2022 and developed a huge passion for SandStories through Sarah Day. I found the course so relaxing and mindful I ended up designing sand trays in the evening! I cannot recommend this course enough. ”
Once you've enrolled and paid, you'll have access to the course material for as long as you need. So devour it all in one weekend or take things slow. It's your choice! The coaching sessions should be taken within 6 months of enrollment. Should you require extra coaching, no problem, we can arrange that!
Well, I would be sad. But if you're really unhappy with the course, just email me after you have watched the first Module for a full refund minus a necessary admin fee.
SandStory Skills® is designed with safe working in mind so it is to be used with one listener and one storyteller at a time.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Send me an email at [email protected]